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Does Your Knee Pain Comes From Your Spine

  • Many patients assume knee pain is always caused by a problem in the knee muscles or However, that is not necessarily always the case. If you’re suffering from symotoms in the knee, there is a possibility that a problem with your spine is the cause.
  • How to determine if your knee pain comes from your spine? The muscles around your knees are connected to the nerves in your lower spine so if these nerves are irritated or compressed, your knees may be affected by symptoms such as intermittent back pain, hamstring tightness, weakness in the hips or quads, and the development of bunions on your feet.
  • A compressed nerve can be caused by many different factors, but the most common is a bulging or ruptured spinal disk that is applying pressure to the roots leading to the sciatic nerve causing shooting pain, tingling or numbness from your buttocks all the way down your leg.
  • By combining NCV and EMG tests, your physician can better tell whether you’re suffering from a nerve disorder or a muscle disorder and pinpoint the specific disease or condition.